About Us

The Founder

In the first two months of breastfeeding I went through several boxes of disposable nursing pads only to end up with soaked shirts and damp sheets. Reusable pads weren’t much better — they often shifted during workouts, could be seen under clothes, and had limited absorbency, making long meetings or extended outings a risky endeavor.

In short, the nursing pads out there simply didn’t support my active lifestyle, and as I quickly found out, didn’t reflect the experiences of other historically marginalized or excluded nursing parents either. I decided to fill this void by creating a pad that gives all nursing, breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and pumping folx the confidence to give milk and go for it.

In solidarity, Hallan

The Product

Meet daLAIT (pronounced DAH-lay)

Using state-of-the-art materials, daLAIT is a patent-pending washable nursing pad that gives breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and pumping folx the confidence to give milk and go for it. 

So why should you use daLAIT nursing pads?

I purchased a pair of pads to help transition with my reduced feeding since my daughter started to eat solid food. I love this product for its versatility in my outfits and its perfect fit and shape over my nipples.”
— H. Williams

Leakproof: The unique shape and patent-pending technology will keep you dry no matter what you do or how long it takes you.

Eco-friendly: Thanks to the medical-grade foam core, a single pair of daLAIT pads can absorb up to 15X its weight and can replace as many as 30 single-use pads a month.

Non-Toxic: All of our materials are from the US or Canada and are non-toxic.